Tuesday, February 14, 2006

First day off

This was my first day off in eight days. I needed the break SO badly! I didn't even get days off last week when I was sick. I woke up fairly early to walk the dog, ended up being really congested, tried so hard to clear the congestion I got a headache, then ended up napping in bed for another hour to make it go away. I was just happy I could do that!

The only thing I managed to do today was meet with my CPA. Apparently I'm going to pay WAY less in taxes this year than I orginally thought. It'll leave me some money to do some things we've been wanting to do to the house. (like hardwood floors, lighting, and finally fixing our guest room shower!) Anything else I have left will go to pay down more debt. Whoo. Most likely going to the home equity loan since it's interest is higher than the student loan debt. Gosh, isn't being a grown up exciting!? No, not really.

Last night two friends came over for dinner and to laugh at the Bachelor with me. It's become a tradition. Those girls are so messed up. I've known you ten whole minutes YOU MUST HAVE MY BABIES NOW !! MARRY ME MARRY ME !! Oh lord. It's fun for comedic purposes.

And yes, it's Valentine's Day. Since G is out of town I'm not doing much. I made myself some curry chicken, played with the dog, and am watching the Olympics. Whoo! Party! G and I are supposed to celebrate when he gets back in town. I don't really care about Valentine's Day so I'd be happy just getting to spend some time with him this weekend. I actually have two days in a row off so it'll actually happen this week. YAY!


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