Monday, October 17, 2005

Movie Review: Crash

Today's Netflix Movie : Crash

Now, i had a really long, in-depth snyopsis of this movie.. but I was a dumbass and hit close on the wrong tab just as I was finishing up my review. I HATE CRAP LIKE THIS .. there should be a "are you really sure you want to be a dumbass and lose your blog post" exit out option.

Crash was a movie I really hadn't heard about before I put it on my netflix list. But, the reviews were good and the cast list is AMAZING (Don Cheadle, Matt Dillon, Sandra Bullock, Ryan Phillipe, Tony Danza, Brendan Fraser, the girl from season 1 24 (who played Jamie), and many many more. So, I had high hopes.

This movie could not have been more formulaic. The movie is supposed to be about racism in post-911 LA spread out over three days. Somehow in a town of 8 million people our 10 main characters keep running into each other. what? The statements on racism are made with a sledgehammer... cuz in case you're dense.. racism is bad. It's contrived scenario on top of contrived scenario to beat into your little brain that racism is bad.

I almost didn't finish the movie, but I stuck it out. There are some really great scenes. There's on in particular between the hispanic male character and the persian male character that will have your heart in your throat. But it all feels like it's done to get an emotional response out of you.. and in the end I didn't care about the characters. I was actually pausing the movie to call people, make dinner, and answer emails. I really wasn't drawn to this movie. It was all staged to get you to feel something.. but it didn't.. and I got what it was trying to say in the first ten seconds of film.. racism is bad. If you're a racist something bad will happen to you and karma's coming for you my friend. I get it... I didn't need to sit through 2 hours of it. I had higher hopes for this cast. I was disappointed. I give Crash 2/5 stars.

Otherwise, my day today was uneventful. I went to work.. tiger went to doggie daycare to play.. and now we're watching the Astros go to the world series !!! Yay !!


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