Sunday, October 02, 2005

Being pro-active

So, today on my way to work I called Dr F to discuss the disaster that was Saturday. He understood my points, was also upset at the front desk for not charging one of my patients (SO not their call), and should be in town tomorrow to discuss. Apparently Dr C had called a few weeks ago to register similiar complaints. Now we will work together to change the saturday scheduling. Thank GOD. I couldn't take a few more weeks of that and it would have driven me to quit.

I saw Serenity last night and was pleasantly suprised. A very good popcorn flick with humor! I figured it would though, since it was Joss Whedon. I'd recommend it even if you never got the chance to see Firefly. i could follow it and I think I only watched the pilot.

I only worked 3.5 hours today. Sundays are relaxed, easy, and fun. Just me and one tech. The patients appreciate me being there, so I guess that's all that matters.

Tonight has been catching up with Tivo and all the shows it recorded during the week.

Thoughts today are with my friend Jess as she anxiously awaits hearing if her husband is being deployed to Iraq. (leaving her and her new 6 month old in Okinawa) here's to hoping he underachieved and is in the lower 80% hon. All my thoughts with you today. Love ya !!!

And in other news.. it's that infamous week again.. Texas/OU week.



Blogger Jessica said...

Glad to hear that your crazy work schedule is going to get fixed!

And thanks for thinking of us over here. I guess you'll have to keep thinking becasue we STILL haven't gotten an answer yet. Two deadlines have already passed and I don't know why they are dragging this out. :(

12:00 AM  

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