Knitting Fiend
Kate has created a monster !!
Since I had Monday off, I decided to take Kate up on her offer to teach me to knit. I'd done it before back when I was younger.. much younger.. with my grandmother. Big pink metal needles and el-cheapo yellow yarn. The sexy. I think I managed to create exactly, nothing.
Earlier that day I stopped at the local yarn store (Knit n Knibble) for supplies. They were very sweet ladies: showed me what to choose from, what works well for beginners, set me up with some really great hardwood needles, and sent me off to Kate's. They also gave me their card and website for free clinics and help. The other ladies sitting on the couches there knitting were very supportive, excited, and told me to come back any time and join them. They were sweet, I just might have to. One of them was doing a GORGEOUS afghan with multiple colors which looked very intricate.
So, I arrive at Kate's with baggie in hand and we plop on the couch.
Step One: Keeping yarn ball away from inquisitive kitten.
Step Two: Casting on -- much like Cat's Cradle ! (I can do that)
Step Three: Knit Stitch --- my first few attempts were decent, dropped some stitches, but it made sense. I guess previous cross-stitch experience helps some.
Step Four: Perl --- Now, I think perling is easier. But, I think it's just me.
Knitting ended up being surprisingly easy. At least the two basic stitches. The rest I'm sure I can pick up from books and the like. So, if anyone has suggestions on good reference books, feel free. I'd also like any patterns for LIGHT WEIGHT things I can actually wear in Florida. There really is no call for scarves here. I already have four and really don't need the fifth one I am knitting now for practice. I'm actually thinking of frogging the one I started at Kate's so I can change it and put in some fancier stitches. An entire scarf of stockinette is too boring for my pretty yarn.
Thank you, Kate ! I'll have to come over another time for more girly knitting time !
Yay! Another knitting optometrist! Be careful-- it's very addictive :)
Knitting for Dummies and Stitch 'n Bitch are my two reference books.
Oh, and there are all kinds of fun free patterns out there. Lionbrand is pretty good to start off with.
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