My eyes are bigger than my free time
My book list at my online lending library is getting enormous. I keep going into the bookstore downstairs and writing down titles of books that look interesting. Then, I go back to the online library and add the books to my reading queue. I now have 32 books on my queue. Two books on my dresser to read. And, another book being mailed by this week since it releases this week.
Apparently part of my brain thinks I have WAY more free time than I actually do. I read on my lunch break, if I have time, and I read before bed almost every night. But, rarely do I have time to do the marathon reading sessions I used to do in high school and college. The days of me staying up til 2am to finish a novel are rare, but they do still occasionally happen.
I finally signed up for the lending library so I'd stop hording books. My bookshelves are completely full at home. I've taken all the books I don't want to keep to used books stores.. and G and I still have tons of books at home. Two book geeks should not be allowed to marry.
there is ***NOTHING*** wrong with hoarding books!! i keep saying: everyone has something they spend their $ on. for some people, that's beanie babies, for some it's collectible plates from the franklin mint, for other's it's heroin. you're buying books, which is comparatively just dandy.
call me when you get up to dedicating a whole room to books (with just a lil couch in it to half-ass qualify as a "guest bedroom").
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