Monday, October 24, 2005

Wilma a non-event in Tampa

Wilma came and went on Monday. I sat around all day Sunday waiting for them to cancel work for me, and they never did. I was actually rather bitter, since every other place I could think of was closed (including all the schools, universities, and malls). Sunday night I stayed up late to watch the hurricane projections and as we thought Wilma stayed significantly south of us (about 250 miles south). We did get lots of rain and some fairly heavy rains over night, but overall wilma was a non-event here in Tampa.

G's flight still took off Monday morning at 7am despite heavy rain and wind. I was very nervous that he was in the air during this and made sure he called me when he landed safely in Houston. As G was leaving at 530am we heard a strange popping sound which to me sounded like a transformer. Ten seconds later we saw a shower of sparks across the street along with a very loud zapping noise. Immediately following the noise... our power went out. It took only 10 seconds for them to get the power back on. (damn it, I thought that was my for-sure out on getting to work -- no power = no getting the car out of the parking garage) I guess they had men standing by in case of power outages at the main facility here in the bay area.

By 930 the rain was lightening up and I was ready for work. Doggie daycare was closed so I was somewhat nervous about leaving Tiger in the storm, but like I said, it was already clearing up. I passed only ten cars on the freeway on the way to work and I was cursing my boss the entire way. The first hour and a half of work was soooooo slow. No one was coming into the building. By 11 o'clock people started showing up, by noon I was PACKED !! (like I said, I was the ONLY thing open) There were so many walk-ins. All the other eye doc places on Fowler were closed (including the ones in the mall across the street) In six hours I had 18 patients. That's nuts for a hurricane day. Go home and enjoy your day off people !! i guess the husbands and wives that came in together figured they could get that done and out of the way while they were off work. I saw quite a few truck drivers with no where to go that day.

The boss of the Fowler office lives in W. Palm. He had no power and ended up driving up here to work for a few weeks since they said it would take three weeks for him to get his power back. He offered to work for me on Saturday so I could have a day off and he could have something to do. I happily accepted so I could stay home for the weekend with G. I'll post details of our weekend later.

Sorry i've been lax on blogging lately, I just really haven't been in the mood. But, I guess I am now :) Pics of our kayak trip to come !


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