Patients and more thunderstorms
My drive home today was HORRIBLE!! It, of course, was still raining. It started about 4pm (of course again) and has been raining ever since. Today it took me an hour and a half to get home too... ahhh!! Yuck! But, I do really like the rain.. I just hate driving in it. (arond other people)
The patients today were so cute! It was kids day... Every patient I saw was a child. From 6 months to 15 yrs. One anisometropic little one plano in one eye and +4 in the other (she was only 20/40 out of the latter eye and didn't even know it). Poor cutie. The interesting family had FEVR ( familial exudative vitreoretinopathy) -- which, I had to look up. Probably shouldn't have had to look it up since I'm taking boards in a month.. but this one was new to me. Basically, it's ROP without the premature birth. And now I know.. and knowing is half the battle!!
Now I'm home studying and listening to the rain. I still love rain... which is good since it's happening every day lately :)
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