Another week ...
And thus begins another week at work.
My CE class on Wednesday was rather dull. The lecturer was monotonous and hard to listen to. He took a topic that should/could have been interesting and sucked all the life out of us. I was trying to be polite and attentive because I know how hard it is to get up there in front of a few hundred people and talk but most others weren't being so considerate. (including others at my dinner table)
You can tell it's getting closer to the holidays.. the exam numbers are dropping off. If you ever want to get in to see an eye doc close to Christmas is a great time. People are spending their money on other things rather than exams and glasses. I still can't believe it's October already.
Don't even get me started on Saturdays Texas game. I'm a sad panda.
My weekend was quiet. I worked all day Saturday where we were actually very busy! Sunday morning G woke me up to fresh pancakes. I love G !! We spent most of the day on the couch watching football. He watched more football. I actually enjoyed reading a book with my windows open to the northeast breeze we had. It was a windy few days in Tampa and actually cooled off some.
Someone didn't like my 'attitude' in my last post. Apparently doctors are supposed to be saints. I'm not sure how many people would like it if you were trying to have a conversation with someone at work and the entire time the other person kept stopping to answer their cell phone and have a five minute conversation. It's RUDE and I was venting on my blog. That's what blogs are for. Doctors are humans and our feeling can get hurt just like anyone else.
You tell 'em! This is YOUR forum and if you want to vent about the rudeness of others (and yes, it is RUDE) I say go for it. Perhaps someone might learn something.
It would only be a bad attitiude if you jumped up and started yelling something like that directly at a patient. ;)
Luckily I didn't get to watch the Texas game, but I am also sad. Amazing that my current football high is coming from UK--ranked in the top ten perhaps the first time ever.
omfg, now i'm peeved i missed the snarky comment.
cell phone rudeness has gotten out of hand for's the biggest & most glaring example of 'just because you CAN doesn't mean you SHOULD' (e.g., phone conversations while sitting on the toilet in a public restroom. eww.), and it's not a phenomenon limited to your exam room. sheesh. not like you told anyone to eff-off-&-die...
i'm with fireweaver ... omfg someone actually complained about your last post?! you've got to be kidding me. too bad they didn't have the balls to comment with a real username. i too am sorry i missed it ;)
Take it easy there lass... First of all, you are the bane of all private practice optometrists trying to better their profession. And by whoring yourself out to the lenscrafters in the mall you probably shouldn't even be using the term "doctor" to describe yourself. Your mode of employment is a slight step up from a vocational occupation. You basically do eye exams for a living, so stop the pretentiousness.
You are not a doctor, you are a REFRACTION MONKEY!! People like you will send what is left of optometry to the same fate as pharmacy.
Doctors don't work in malls next to hot dog on a stick.
Doctors actually have an office at their practice.
Doctors don't call their practice a "store".
Doctors go to MEDICAL school or get a PhD.
PS: go on and tell everyone on that you work for a lenscrafters in a mall and see what your peers say. You are worth less than the mall exams you are pimped into doing. Also, you are THE example of why having a women majority in optometry has been disastrous. You are worthless!
Well I wanted to think of something funny or at least snarky to cheer you up after that ranting, but I’m so sad. It boggles my mind that someone has nothing better to do than to viciously attack someone on their blog (if you’re such a “nothing” shouldn’t it be beneath this guy to bother reading, much less reacting to your blog?). Obviously these are the rantings of a disturbed mind (perhaps he couldn’t get a job at Lens Crafters?), so it’s probably best to ignore them. I’m just sorry that you had to be exposed to that kind of ugliness.
wow. senseless anger and small mindedness directed at such a wonderful and successful person - hard to believe that level of jealousy, misogyny, and elitism could be contained in just one human being. what a waste of life.
for a definition of "doctor" see:
"Real doctors" don't post a-hole messages on other people's blogs. They are too busy.
If real doctors kept hours that working people could manage, there wouldn't be demand for a place like Lenscrafters.
This person is not a doctor, I'm guessing, and probably has not managed to make anything at all out of life and so sits at the computer crapping all over everyone else in a vague attempt to feel superior.
He probably got fired from a Lenscrafters for spying on women in the restroom and now has nothing better to do.
Don't pay that individual any more attention and don't even bother reading if he/it posts again. His/Its opinions are clearly ignorant and hateful.
I hope that you don't take any of the meanie posts to heart. I'm sure you aren't but its still hard to read such things. Hang in there. Keep your head up. I'm proud to have you as a colleague.
Dear AssTunnel, (aKa Anonymous who thinks that they are a productive member of society)
I want to thank you and your kind of people for keeping medical costs high, insurance near in-accessible to anyone not in your tax bracket,
and and above all for every blind person who could have been saved by a simple test or two they probably could afford at the mall but were too afraid to ask for.
Insurance: buildings cost money, photocopier leases cost money, medical equipment by the laws of supply and demand cost even more money in that not everyone needs a full optical setup in their house. Staff costs money, labs, meds, malpractice insurance, power, water, overhead, all cost money. Given that most private practices of any given medical practice exist in buildings with other medical practices in that they have structure and facilities needs in common, medical buildings are not cheap to rent in. It costs great amounts of money to setup a practice and maintain one. What happens when operating costs go high? Customers MUST pay more, what happens when customers must pay more, well, the insurance company has to pay more for their covered members. (we will leave out the gov here, that is way too political). While private practices are great and all, I argue that they are helping to drive costs up, insurance rates up along with them. Nice waiting rooms with fish tanks cost money, and a good bit of it by logic comes from insurance money based on inflated fees to pay for all the crap. When the billing department talks to more people a day than the Doctor does, I have little faith in "do no harm"
Simple Tests: If you can prove that lenscrafters and their like do not do optometricly valid screening tests on their patients to find sight robbing ailments, then you have a strong ally in me to help rid the world of these quackish mockeries of medical establishments. But they do... I am sure ODgirl can tell me of at least one person who was saved from total life alteration because of her practition of medicine. What her employer does on a grander scale is open medical science to all, not just those who can afford to buy the Doctor a $100 ceramic as a thank you to sit in their office collecting dust.
What you call less than a Doctor. is in fact a fully licensed practitioner of medial arts which save sight, and improve quality of life.
to quote you:
"Doctors don't work in malls next to hot dog on a stick."
I disagree, this is totally sad and pathetic. A real Doctor. doesn't do it for the money, they don't do it for the care and the better men of the patients. Real Doctors work in trenches or even small hovels in 3rd world countries to make one more person better than went the came into the room with the Doctor.
I am sure there would be massive numbers of people without sight because of your elitist attitudes. Not all of us were born with health insurance which never has eclipsed. Some of us have worried if there was going to be food on the table out here in the world in stead of throwing away more food than some have seen in their lifetime.
"Doctors actually have an office at their practice."
Have you seen the practice in question? Your point is pathetic and invalid and exceedingly desperate. Were you trying to call her poopiehead or something?
"Doctors don't call their practice a "store"."
Does medicine happen there? Are people helped to see? Do sight threatening diseases get diagnosed and treated in these "stores"? Call it what you want, but it is a practice and has just as much right to treat as any other practice and I am sure it is much more affordable than yours (Iff you are a Doctor, not some front desk know nothing).
"Doctors go to MEDICAL school or get a PhD."
I am sure She did just that, and I believe that practicing medicine without a license is illegal. Oh and, unless I am mistaken, state licensing boards will not issue licenses to individuals without credentials. I.E. ODs or MDs. Just so you know the title doctor in this question is an OD, not a PhD. PhDs don't get to touch patients much in my experience.
"PS: go on and tell everyone on that you work for a lenscrafters in a mall and see what your peers say. You are worth less than the mall exams you are pimped into doing. Also, you are THE example of why having a women majority in optometry has been disastrous. You are worthless!"
i bet you believe that only those who can afford it should be able to get help don't you? You seem to be very elitist and almost dead inside. I pity you. Please do not procreate, and if you have, please sterilize your children.
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