Monday, December 04, 2006

Fill-in Doc

I spent today filling in for a doctor friend. He went to the AAO meeting in Denver and waved a significant amount of money in my face to get me to drive to his office. Normally, I wouldn't think twice about helping him out, but I've come to realize my body just doesn't like working six days a week. That, and his office is located in Zephyrhills which is an hour drive northeast of Tampa. So, since he begged, and threw in a hefty bonus, I drove to his office.

One day in his office made me realize how spoiled I am where I work. I had no actual office to sit in while I was there. I had to hang out in the exam room while we were slow. I had no computer, no internet, and I'd only brought a book. I had eight patients scheduled for the day. Only three showed up.

I could hear the ringing of cash registers from INSIDE the exam room. And, the once every 5-10 minute PA announcements were a nice touch as well.

All it did, was reinforce that I never want to work THAT KIND of commercial office. I don't want to do exams next to the tire section or behind cash registers. It just doesn't seem very professional to me. Patients aren't going to think it takes eight years of higher education to work there. It's not the image I feel comfortable portraying after so much hard work and student loan debt.

I was very ready to get out of that office after one day. No offense meant to my friend. He's a very nice guy and a WONDERFUL doctor. But, that situation is just not for me. I like my office. I like my opticians. I like my cushy office chair and internet ready computer. I like that my office looks professional and has state of the art equipment.

Recently, I've come under attack on the forum I moderate for Optometry Students. They're attacking all people who work in commercial locations like mine. They don't seem to realize that there's good and bad in any office. I've seen HORRIBLE private practice docs in my lifetime. I've also seen some very very caring docs that work at Wal-mart and Sears. There are good docs and bad docs in any situation. Ask any girl who's been to a bad OB/GYN. *shudder* Judge the doctor.. not the place they practice. If they're practicing to the limit of their abilities , educating their patients, and truly love what they do... that should be enough.


Anonymous Anonymous said... really is the same all across the board(s), isn't it? in our little world, we savagely mock those that have "sold out" to vca & the like. i.e., those vets that work out of petsmart and all must be substandard hacks to not work in a "real" office. yet i konw of two of my classmates that have started very rewarding careers by working in one of these chain-type vet clinics, and yeah, they are good drs that practice good medicine. but i'm still with ya there girl, i'm not unloading my cush window office & professional feel for any ammount of cash register ca-ching.

2:28 PM  

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