The Halloween party we went to Saturday night was fairly lame. I'm kinda upset I took G to it. It wasn't the best first impression of the hash. By the time we got there (at 8pm no less) everyone was already HAMMERED. So, when you're the only sober people around a bunch of drunks.. it's just not that fun. I also found out that one of the girls in the group is a very mean drunk. I'll definitely keep running with the hash.. I might just opt out of some parties though after seeing this. It was rather disappointing, frankly. Not that I expected people to not drink. But, to have people passing out at 8pm is kinda bad form. I could tell G was less than impressed.
Sunday, G and I spent the day organizing the new closets we want to order. We're trying to do something like California closets, but cheaper. G found a site online where you can measure your closet and design the patterns and options you want online. You even pick out your colors and hardware (rail colors and pulls, etc). We decided to try it on the two guest room closets first. Then, if things work out well we'll tackle the most expensive closet in the master bedroom. It also gives us a project to get done while G's home the week of Thanksgiving.
Is it bad that the only reason I'm looking forward to Thanksgiving is that I get a week home with G?
Work was actually busy yesterday. But, unfortunately, today is terminally slow. I'm actually spending the morning watching G's flight from LA to Houston on the flight tracker. Yes, I'm really that bored. Why else would I be blogging at work ?
damn! what was with lame-o parties this year? the one we went to was exactly the opposite: nobody was really getting their drink on, everyone was leaving early (funny, we got there about 8p too), and there were all of 5 of us total (including the pair hosting the damn thing) in costume. guess we just gotta wait 3 years or so, when halloween is again on a weekend, so people will get into the spirit when it happens instead of mustering up energy for amusement a few days early.
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