Monday, June 12, 2006

Tropical Storm Alberto

Fortunately, TS Alberto was kind of a non-event. Lots of rain, not much wind. Most of it shifted north of us.

The only unfortunate part, is that it didn't get bad enough to keep G here for the week. He was kinda hoping he wouldn't have to fly out this week for work. But, he's in Houston. Oh well.

Today, I also got my first official piece of mail addressed to my new name. Yay health benefits! :)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow I am so impressed by your Hawaiian wedding- I have to ask how did you do it!!? It would be my dream to do the same, but I worry about older relatives travelling, not everyone being able to swing the trip financially, etc. How did you deal with those issues plus plan a wedding from so far away? I'm impressed. (PS I started reading your blog because I'm a optometry student, but lately I am loving it for all the fun wedding info! Thanks!)

10:09 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

now, see, where you're at, hurricanes actually count as an oh-crap sort of thing,that keeps your spouse in town & out of the airport (btw, either of you moving in the near future?). there was boatloads of broo-haa-haa when isabel "tore up the east coast" right after i got to b'more...all of a lil bitty grade 2 with a couple days of rain, and they had to hire in electricians from 4 states over to come repair the damage. aaaa!!!

12:29 PM  

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