New Job
After a week of soul searching I decided to take the new job I was offered. I met two new Lenscrafters docs at a dinner I went to last Monday. They were both very nice and we chatted over dinner about life and other things. (there were about seven of us at dinner).
The very next morning the female partner in the group (Dr B) called to say their full-time doc at the International Plaza location just quit to go work at a laser center. Would I be interested in a full-time job?
For a week.. this was my conundrum. To leave the three places I was working now meant slightly less money and leaving my mentor (Dr KL). On the plus side, it meant five days a week in the same place, a 2 mile commute (or lack thereof), my own office, and the ability to practice how I want.
I asked for a week to think about all the options and talk things over with G. Ultimately, we decided it would be best in the long run for me to take the job at International Plaza. Five days a week in the same place. yay!
Telling Dr KL I was leaving was one of the hardest things i've had to do. he's done SO much for me. (helping me study for boards, teaching me things with patients, letting me work part time until I passed the board, etc) He and his wife are just awesome super-great people and it's going to make me very sad not to see them every week. But, I think in the long run this is what's best for me.
One the upside (and the most important part).... my office has a CUSHY CHAIR !!! ;)
I called the three places I work now to give one month notice. No one was very happy, but they all understood why I was leaving. Drama !!
Congratulations! It's good not to have to drive all over the place, and to get to work a regular schedule. It sounds like you made a great choice, but I totally understand being sad about not getting to work with your mentor anymore. There's always lunch! ;)
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