Monday, August 29, 2005

Board Certified Optometric Physician

That's ME !! Yes, ladies and gentlemen I squeaked in under the wire and passed the bitch that is the Florida Board exam. I can now make a living. (as soon as my piece of paper comes in the mail)

I'm SO relieved you don't even know !!!


Blogger Jessica said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!! I was pretty sure you did it. ;)

5:27 PM  
Blogger Suz said...

Wooo! Party at Stine's place!

Does this mean that I can have my sunglasses now? (heeee!)

12:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey you i was just about to IM you :) congrats again!

tiget is so so cute, it even looks like he's striking a pose in that pic. so cute!

8:06 PM  

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