Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Thank goodness for FALL!!

I love fall. I really really do. Things cool off to just about perfect here in Tampa, I get to wears jeans again, I can play tennis for awhile without risk of heat exhaustion.. and my favorite part.. sleeping with the windows open.

Work is slowing down.. it always does this time of year. After back-to-school but before Christmas is a slow time to be an eye doctor. We do usually pick up in mid-December here just due to our location, though. People are here spending money anyway, so what's another couple hundred on some new glasses or contacts??

G is in San Francisco again this week for work. He's getting really tired of the cross country trips.. although he does love going back to all of our old eating places in the East Bay.

I know I haven't blogged in about a week. I just really haven't been in the mood. There's really not that much going on in my life.

I'm leading the Hash on Thursday. So, yes, 20 crazy runners will be trying to track me down on Davis Island. And then Saturday night the Hash group is having a pub-crawl/run on St Pete Beach. (complete with costume contest and the like) It should be fun, I just have to try to get G to go. But, it does look like many of my friends aren't going. I need to get hold of the one who is and see what's she's going to do for a costume. I still haven't figured out what to be that doesn't cost 100 bucks.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh darlin.
if you really want to feel all fall, go hit:


and feel the non-love i'm having for fall right now. sleeping with the windows open was a couple of months ago. now it's time for coats & hibernating tortoises & running the heater.

9:38 PM  
Blogger CWH said...

what are these things called coats ? I think I own one, but I wear it so rarely...


Stay warm, Chelle!

11:40 AM  

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